/* */ // Speed of the automatic slideshow var slideshowSpeed = 6000; // Variable to store the images we need to set as background // which also includes some text and url's. var photos = [ { "title" : "für wissenschaftliche Arbeiten", "image" : "https://simokor.de/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/library-NEW.jpg", "url" : "#", "firstline" : "", "secondline" : "Text-Korrektur" }, { "title" : "", "image" : "https://simokor.de/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/test.jpg", "url" : "#", "firstline" : "Denn noch mehr Stress", "secondline" : "brauchst Du nicht." }, { "title" : "Exzellenter Ausdruck", "image" : "https://simokor.de/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/hund.jpg", "url" : "#", "firstline" : "Fehlerfreier Text", "secondline" : "Bessere Note" }, { "title" : "", "image" : "https://simokor.de/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/TYP-test.jpg", "url" : "#", "firstline" : "Simokor-Bewerbungen", "secondline" : "helfen." }, ]; jQuery(document).ready(function() { // Backwards navigation jQuery("#back").click(function() { stopAnimation(); navigate("back"); }); // Forward navigation jQuery("#next").click(function() { stopAnimation(); navigate("next"); }); var interval; jQuery("#control").toggle(function(){ stopAnimation(); }, function() { // Change the background image to "pause" jQuery(this).css({ "background-image" : "url(images/btn_pause.png)" }); // Show the next image navigate("next"); // Start playing the animation interval = setInterval(function() { navigate("next"); }, slideshowSpeed); }); var activeContainer = 1; var currentImg = 0; var animating = false; var navigate = function(direction) { // Check if no animation is running. If it is, prevent the action if(animating) { return; } // Check which current image we need to show if(direction == "next") { currentImg++; if(currentImg == photos.length + 1) { currentImg = 1; } } else { currentImg--; if(currentImg == 0) { currentImg = photos.length; } } // Check which container we need to use var currentContainer = activeContainer; if(activeContainer == 1) { activeContainer = 2; } else { activeContainer = 1; } showImage(photos[currentImg - 1], currentContainer, activeContainer); }; var currentZindex = -1; var showImage = function(photoObject, currentContainer, activeContainer) { animating = true; // Make sure the new container is always on the background currentZindex--; // Set the background image of the new active container jQuery("#headerimg" + activeContainer).css({ "background-image" : "url(" + photoObject.image + ")", "display" : "block", "z-index" : currentZindex }); // Hide the header text jQuery("#headertxt").css({"display" : "none"}); // Set the new header text jQuery("#firstline").html(photoObject.firstline); jQuery("#secondline") .attr("href", photoObject.url) .html(photoObject.secondline); jQuery("#pictureduri") .attr("href", photoObject.url) .html(photoObject.title); // Fade out the current container // and display the header text when animation is complete jQuery("#headerimg" + currentContainer).fadeOut(function() { setTimeout(function() { jQuery("#headertxt").css({"display" : "block"}); animating = false; }, 500); }); }; var stopAnimation = function() { // Change the background image to "play" jQuery("#control").css({ "background-image" : "url(images/btn_play.png)" }); // Clear the interval clearInterval(interval); }; // We should statically set the first image navigate("next"); // Start playing the animation interval = setInterval(function() { navigate("next"); }, slideshowSpeed); // Social Icon Animated jQuery('.button2 a,.button3 a,.button4 a').hover(function(){ jQuery(this).stop().animate({'opacity' : '0'}, 500); }, function(){jQuery(this).stop().animate({'opacity' : '1'}, 500);}); }); jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery(".toggle_container").hide(); jQuery("h2.trigger").click(function(){ jQuery(this).toggleClass("active").next().slideToggle("slow"); }); }); jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery(function() { jQuery( ".accordion" ).accordion({ autoHeight: false, navigation: true }); }); jQuery(function() { jQuery( ".progressbar" ).progressbar(); }); }); jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery(function() { jQuery(".tabs").tabs(".panes > div"); }); }); jQuery(function () { // TinyNav.js 1 jQuery('#nav').tinyNav({ active: 'selected', label: 'Menu' }); });